What’s the story with unsold inventory?
8:43 am

2022 was an unprecedented year for sports and entertainment collectibles. As we prepare our 2023 collections, we are updating you on our plans for any surplus inventory from the prior year.

Our plan includes holding collectibles for sweepstakes and giveaways, vaulting (NFTs will remain in Candy custody for a predetermined amount of time before being made available to the public), and burning (NFTs are destroyed and permanently removed from circulation forever).

The decision to vault a percentage of unsold products was determined because we believe that these collectibles hold value, and we are considering the right way to bring these collectibles into our marketplace in 2025 (or beyond).


Team Packs

  • Sale End Date: March 27th, 2023
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
        Hold for Giveaways:
        Vault: 0%
        Burn: 100%
  • Time in the Vault: N/A
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: March 27th, 2023

ICON Boxes, Super Boxes, Mega Packs

  • Sale End Date: February 1st, 2023
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
       Hold for Giveaways
    : ~5%
       Vault: Legendaries will be pulled from packs + ~15% of                  packaged product
       Burn: ~80%
  • Time in the Vault:
      Legendaries: Up to 2 years
       Packaged Product: 2 years at minimum
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: March 27th, 2023

Uncut Diamonds

  • Sale End Date: At least 1 week before UD 2023 Drop
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
        Hold for Giveaways: 0%
        Vault: 100% of packaged product
        Burn: 0%
  • Time in the Vault: 2 years at minimum
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: Same as sale end date

When looking at Data Viz for MLB ICONs, vaulted will be included under Wrapped. We are exploring other ways vaulted may show in Data Viz with the priority being to keep the integrity of the wrapped packs we vault. We will share a list of legendaries we are vaulting once they have been locked away.


Stranger Things Props

  • Sale End Date: Sale has ended
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
         Hold for Giveaways:
        Vault: ~15%
        Burn: ~80%
  • Time in the Vault: 2 years at minimum
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: February 6th, 2023


ICON Driver Series

  • Sale End Date: At least 1 week before first Racing ICON Drop of 2023
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
       Hold for Giveaways:
       Vault: 0%
       Burn: 100%
  • Time in the Vault: N/A
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: Same as sale end date

Sweet Futures

2022 Basketball

  • Sale End Date: Sale has ended
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
       Hold for Giveaways:
       Vault: ~15%
       Burn: ~80%
  • Time in the Vault: 2 years at minimum
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: April 3rd, 2023

Football Single Icon Packs

  • Sale End Date: April 28th, 2023
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
       Hold for Giveaways:
       Vault: Legendaries will be pulled from packs + ~15%
       Burn: ~80%
  • Time in the Vault:
    : Up to 2 years
        Packaged Product: 2 years at minimum
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: Same as sale end date


Shawn Michaels

  • Sale End Date: Sale has Ended
  • Allocation of Unsold Supply as of the Sale End Date:
       Hold for Giveaways
    : 100%
       Vault: 0%
       Burn: 0%
  • Time in the Vault: 100% of leftover product will be kept in Candy's reserve and will be distributed within the next 2 years.
  • Vault and/or Burn Date: N/A

For product that was originally sold as packs or boxes, the 15% of product vaulted will be randomly selected and kept in its digital packaging.

We are exploring how to showcase Data Viz for products other than MLB.

Make sure to follow Candy on Instagram, Twitter and Discord for the sweetest news happening in Web3.